April 2020
Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for participating in the multi-location, social distancing, Julia's Run for Children on April 5. Although not in person, we run together in spirit and thanks to social media, we are able to share experiences and memories. Julia's college fiend, Dustin, wrote to us from Wisconsin:
"For anyone who didn’t know her, Julia was as selfless and kind as a person can be. I haven’t run this race in person since 2013, because I now have two kids at home and can’t as easily fly back east—but it feels wonderful to be outside, think about Julia, and connect with people this way. Sending my love..."
The event was a resounding success. In recognition of unprecedented challenges in pandemic year 2020 we donated $27,000 to LEAP. LEAP provides year-round academic and social enrichment programs for New Haven children who were hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis. LEAP provides jobs, social &emotional support, helps with academics and technology and contributes to basic needs of local families.
We also contributed $15,000 to Hour Children, a leading provider of services to incarcerated mothers and their children in the New York City area.
Thank you all for your participation and financial support!
Stay healthy and safe,
Roza, Henry, Vivian
April, 2021
Dear Family and Friends,
The 2021 Julia's Run for Children took place on April 18 in various localities, on at least three continents. We ran or walked remembering Julia and celebrating her life and ideals. Our shared experiences confirm participating in a significant communal event.
Financially the Run was a success as well, JRMF donated $20,000 to LEAP. Our cumulative donations to LEAP are now over $290,000. LEAP wrote: “Your contribution allows us to provide New Haven children with the programs and services they need most, including academic support, literacy, art, dance, gardening, and computer coding – all free of charge. It also means that we can continue to employ counselors from the communities that we serve to be role models and mentors.“
Cheyenne River Youth Project (CRYP) received from us $10,000. They wrote: ”CRYP has been busy these past few months bringing both necessities and fun to our community. Even with COVID hovering, we hosted our annual Harvest Festival, distributed community food, produce, school supplies and winter coats. We opened our doors for the kids to in-person internships."
We donated $2000 to Pequeñas Ligas Hispanas de New Haven, organization that offers athletic and artistic programs to Latino youth from low-income families. The program connects promising students to college athletic programs and helps with their college applications.
Roza, Henry, Vivian
We ran Julia’s Run for Children this morning. Julia loved to run no matter the weather. Luckily, our Californian neighbors don’t come out when the air is moist so we had the roads to ourselves. We started during a brief break in the rain, zoomed with Julia’s cousins, puddle hunted and then got thoroughly drenched.
After the kids’ Fun Run, I continued on to finish the race. After warm baths, we read Julia’s essays on JuliaRun.org. Amelia got a big kick out of reading Julia’s diary entries from 1985. Loved feeling Julia’s spirit today and all the love her family and friends continue to share today.
Judith, California

Hi Roza.
I hope all is well with you and the family. I love this idea of individual runs. I run this morning in downtown Chicago. Thinking of Julia today.
With love,
Catherine, Chicago
Greetings all,
For two decades, the annual event has been held to honor the incomparable Julia Rusinek, a dear friend of mine from summer camp and college. She was a committed and talented runner and a champion of children’s causes.
We ran Julia’s Run for Children 2020 this morning in Ludlow, Vermont, and our daughter ran quite a bit too (for a toddler). Other family members participated from their own locations.
The first photo (clockwise) is a shot of us this morning. The other is a page of a birthday card that Julia made for me in the very early 1990s.
The third photo (below) is from my father who participated from Chappaqua, NY. He reports with great confidence that he won both the 75+ category as well as the Chappaqua leg of the race.
Best wishes to all,
Mike, Vermont

I just ran a virtual road race in memory of my friend Julia Rusinek, who died in 1999 of an undetected heart condition. A race in her memory has been going strong for two decades in New Haven, CT, but it had to go online this year for obvious reasons. Proceeds go as always to LEAP, a terrific organization serving the youth of New Haven.
For anyone who didn’t know her, Julia was as selfless and kind as a person can be. I haven’t run this race in person since 2013, because I now have two kids at home and can’t as easily fly back east—but it feels wonderful to be outside, think about Julia, and connect with people this way. Sending my love to Roza, Henry, Vivian, Judith all of Julia’s family and friends.
Dustin, Wisconsin

Hi Roza,
It was an early run for us today - I wanted to make sure that we were the only ones around. Beautiful morning. I took a few photos to share. I will be running again later at the same time as you but that will be around the house / in the garden. I will be making another donation to the Children’s Hospital it Sheffield in Julia’s memory. Love to you and your family - hope you are all keeping well.
John, Sheffield, England
Dear Roza, Henry and Vivian,
This quiet and wet Sunday morning set the scene for my Julia's run. I felt like I was at Yale with you all, with the weather more like an East Coast April day and my neighborhood hills reminiscent of those at Yale. My run was one of many memories - runs in Great Neck, at Yale, even Puerto Rico. I carry Julia's lightness, laughter and encouragement with me when I run, helping me climb hills and appreciate every moment.
I always look forward to seeing you all and hope we can meet soon. I'm glad to share the memories and the joy of the run with friends and family today. You all are always in my heart.
Much love,
Dina, California
Hi Roza, Henry and Vivian,
We miss you dearly. Being a part of Julia's run and spending some time with you each April has become a soul anchoring tradition I look forward to each year. Of course it's especially difficult and painful this year. I just wanted you to know that we think of you often and look forward to visiting and spending time with you in NY as soon as this mess is over.
All the love, and stay safe!
Gil, California

I love this Roza!!! Julia would love it as well. Andrew and I just went on a bike ride and thought of Julia.
I was getting tired on the bike ride. If Julia were here, she’d be the first person to give motivational sentiments and be cheering. She was such an inspiration. The best teammate and friend one could ask for. I’ll always miss her infectious laugh and smile.
Hope you and Henry are well.
All my love,
Liz, New York
Ingmar, Matti (he is 1.5 years old now) and I walked the distance of the Julia Run for kids. It was in called Ulricehamn, a town not far from our own, near the water and in the brightest sunshine. It was a magical day!
much love
Rebecca, Sweeden
PS We love seeing all the pictures from you all

Henry and I walked 5.5 miles on Jones Beach, the south shore of Long Island.
The seagulls and sandlings maintained physical distance, washed their feet but wore no masks. Nevertheless we felt safe.
Roza & Henry, New York
My children and I have been thinking of Julia today. It so happens that we were not left without necessities at a difficult moment - in addition to many other important things (food!), Lucyna and Victor brought us Julia's Run T-shirts. It's been very meaningful to be part of 2020 run and an inspiration to see how many people participated. Thank you and we send our best thoughts!
Kasia, Virginia

I ran along the Palisades river today, remembering the day Julia took me on my first real run to East Rock. She made me laugh so hard, I had to stop running.
Lauren, New York

Dear Henry and Roza,
Views of the Central Park today. We are thinking of you and celebrate our long friendship at a distance. Julia’s race will resume.
Mony and Tina, New York
Hi Roza and Henry,
I finished my solitary run through the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn. I appreciated the opportunity to quietly reflect on everything happening in the world. I thought about Julia and her beautiful spirit. I’m forever grateful our paths crossed at Camp Q.
Of course I missed seeing you and the rest of your family, and all the familiar faces that make Julia’s Run so special year after year.
I’m hoping this message finds you well and in good health.
Much love,
Kristin, New York

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank you so much for participating in the multi location with social distancing Julia's Run for Children on April 5. Although not in person, we run together in spirit and thanks to social media, we were able to share experiences and memories.
The event was a resounding success. We raised $4000 and LEAP has received $600 through our Run Signup donations.
- In recognition of unprecedented challenges in 2020, we donated $27,000 to LEAP. LEAP provides year-round academic and social enrichment programs for children from high-poverty neighborhoods in New Haven. LEAP will provide jobs to over 100 young adults and will help over 300 children with essential technology, academic tutoring, and social-emotional support. LEAP also contributes to basic needs of families who are hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis.
- In 2020 we also contributed $15,000 to Hour Children, a leading provider of services to incarcerated mothers and their children in the New York City area.
Thank you for your participation and financial support!
Stay healthy and safe,
Roza, Henry, Vivian